The lakes in Northern Saskatchewan are deep, cold and clear. Etched out by receding glaciers thousands of years ago our lakes now offer the perfect aquatic environment to support the widely popular Canadian Lake Trout. The largest recorded lake trout in North America was netted in Saskatchewan and weighed in at 49.5″ and 102 lbs! It is actually preserved and on display at the Royal Ontario Museum located
in Toronto if you want to pay your respects. The current angling record is 30 pounds shy of that at 72lbs, which we have yet to beat, but our largest fish at 50lbs is still an amazing feat! Pulling one of these massive beasts up from the depths is a worthy experience for any angler.
Come and try some vertical jigging or trolling for a good chance at a real trophy fish! An opportunity very few can credibly offer. Our lake trout run from 10 to 40 lbs and a single boat releasing 100 per day is not unheard of.